Thursday, August 6, 2009

Anutter baby on the way!

So it has been a few weeks since I posted a picture for the day. IT all happened when I missed placed the picture I wanted to Scan in and post since then there have been pictures I have taken and just not posted. I have been extremely tired, & not feeling so well, which is a new this time around. I don't think I am going to get much energy since now along with work I am going to take some online corces and start doing medical transcription from home by the time this baby is born.
So yes Trevor and I have baby number 4 on the way. The due date is March 20th.


Mary said...

So picture this. I'm back to school shopping with Adrienne, Megan and Joie. Beth texts Adrienne a picture of the ultrasound right as Adrienne is finishing up checking out. I was checking out right behind Adrienne and she held up her phone and said, "Why would my mom send this to me?" I was beaming because I knew...I asked Adrienne if she knew what it was and she said, "An ultrasound?" She was still not getting it so I said, "She finally told you!" All at once she got it and the look on her face was priceless. She made me cry, and right there in the check out aisle with people behind us and a confused checker, we were both crying and trying to hold back for a better moment to share our excitement... We're so excited for you Beth, and I'm sure Adrienne will never forget where she was when she found out she was having "a sister." (She's sure!) See you this weekend.

Zuki said...

Congratulations and good luck!